Saturday, May 03, 2008

你好嗎 你的夜是不是跟我的一樣漫長
是不是 還把我給你的愛好好戴在手上
要堅強 我常常對著鏡子裡的人大聲講
雖然說 獨立的想一個人好像一種懲罰


想著你的溫柔 想著你的模樣 我放不下
都說過了再見 我們各自飛翔 各自長大
抱緊愛會掙扎 放開愛會心慌 神也很忙
離開你 那麼傻 可以後悔嗎

風很大 怕你又穿的太少會讓自己著涼
我很棒 一個人換了燈泡房間變得很亮
每一天 發生的事情我都好想要跟你講
愛很怪 什麼都介意最後又什麼都原諒

i'm afraid. that with each time i walk away. everything just hardens abit more. like a callus. to the point where nothing hurts anymore. the ease at which i can walk away. the unflinching lack of emotions or concern. i worry. that enough walking aways, and nothing will affect me the way it did anymore.
i wonder if that was all that was meant to be. was that the end? me walking away and you letting me. nothing about the letters. so many things were said between us, yet still so many important things were left unsaid. they float between, around us all the time. they add to the allure, uncertainty & lack of definition. sooner or later, everything's got to come out.
meredith: i am damaged. damaged and twisty.


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